Web Application Firewall

The spread of websites, services and web applications and the importance they hold for companies means that it is almost natural to have to think about their protection. This is why the presence of a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is increasingly indispensable.

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What is ReeVo's Web Application Firewall service?

This service protects websites, e-commerce portals, webmail systems and in general all web applications exposed to the Internet, from application attacks.

It is essential to protect web applications from malicious attacks and unwanted Internet traffic, including that of malicious bots. And doing so with a convenient Web Application Firewall cloud service is even more effective.

ReeVo offers you a service that is easy to configure, yet has enormous potential, integrated with all cyber security services and the ReeVo H 24/7 SOC.

The advantages ReeVo offers you

Nothing is required except to configure DNS records to point to the virtual IP address of the WAF service. Once the digital certificates of the site and web applications to be protected have been uploaded, we start protecting them automatically.

ReeVo protects all your web applications from malicious attacks and unwanted Internet traffic, including that of malicious bots. In this case, the service pre-filters the traffic before sending it to the WAF, searching for malicious source IPs by exploiting cyber threat intelligence. The reference standard for the protection of web applications is the OWASP Top Ten, always updated to the most recent edition.

ReeVo offers WAF services not only for our customers' services within the ReeVo cloud, but also to those who have applications delivered from their own data center. In the idea of using the cloud as an ally in protecting against cyber threats, thus outside the perimeter of one's own data center, this service is certainly ideal.

The service allows log export for integration with SIEM and all other cyber ReeVo services related to SOC H24/7.

As the WAF is located within ReeVo's data center, navigation data never leaves the national borders.


Find an ally in the cloud to protect all your web services

Contact us for full operating specifications or activate a free trial.