We are by nature the natural interlocutor for all entities in the highly regulated financial sector.
Discover our services here

Over the years we have gained extensive experience in the financial sector, counting banks, insurance companies, finance companies, and asset management companies among our clients.
We are chosen both for the completeness of our services and for our quality and reliability, confirmed by the highest levels of international certifications.
What ReeVo does for Finance
Whatever your specific interest, in cloud, infrastructure, hybrid, storage, data protection or cyber security services, we certainly have the service you are looking for.
The advantages of choosing ReeVo for the finance sector
Constant audit process by regulatory bodies
We work successfully and continuously to ensure that our clients comply with the mandatory audits required by the European Banking Authority and Bank of Italy, such as data management, privacy aspects, data backup and security, business continuity and disaster recovery.
But also on all aspects of security: from physical security, to our availability of SOC services with 24/7/365 coverage, to human resources components, dedicated security assets, access control, data encryption, security operations and communication security practices.
Regulatory evolution
If you want to improve your compliance levels on data management, business continuity, security practices or prepare for the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA Regulation), ReeVo is the cloud operator that can support you.
Native resilience and highest quality
We have an infrastructure spread over several data centres with the highest levels of availability.
Choosing ReeVo means counting on services provided only by RATING 4/ANSI-TIA 942 data centres.
Sovereignty of data and location of resources in data center
Our data center are in the territory of each country in which we operate, fully respecting the sovereignty of data. With ReeVo you always have certainty as to which data center is hosting a specific resource.
Certifications and compliance
ReeVo provides you with as many as 18 international certifications and the highest levels of compliance. These cover not only the technical specifications of the data centre, but many other important aspects, such as IT and corporate management and operational practices, security, privacy and service level agreements.
Automatic protection of your data and immutability W.O.R.M by design
Regardless of what the backup and disaster recovery choices of each of our customers may be, ReeVo includes W.O.R.M (write once read many) protection by default with three levels of backup: snapshot on primary storage, backup on secondary storage and hourly snapshot copy to another datacenter (7 days in W.O.R.M. mode completely immutable and unchangeable).
Whatever the critical situation, with ReeVo you always have a copy of your data in a safe and accessible place.